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Glycemic Index list

Glycemic Index and Why It's Important to Beauty

Here at Resveralife, we hear new terms related to healthcare and diet all of the time. With so much information it can be hard to fully comprehend what each term or phrase relates to and why these things matter to us. One of the frequently discussed health terms is “glycemic index.” But what exactly is the glycemic index and why does it matter to us?

The Glycemic Index

The glycemic index (GI) is a diet system, originally intended to aid diabetics in making appropriate food choices, that ranks foods based on the effect that carbohydrates have on our blood levels. Foods are assigned a numerical ranking, providing a way to identify which foods are beneficial for our blood sugar, and which could be damaging. Those foods with a high ranking have a rapid blood sugar response while those that are low help to maintain steady levels of of sugar. The glycemic index ranges from the zero to 100.

The Health Benefits

The theory upon which the glycemic index is based maintains that when we ingest foods that rank highly on the scale, our blood sugar response is quick. This results in a sugar spike in our bodies, which inevitably leads to the dreaded sugar crash. When we experience the comedown from sugar, our bodies respond by producing cravings for more sugar.

However, there are other benefits to knowing a food’s glycemic index score than knowing what to avoid if we don’t want to experience sugar crashes. When we consistently feed our bodies large amounts of sugar, there are a number of undesirable reactions. The National Center for Biotechnology Information states that the glycemic index is “increasingly being used to prevent typical diseases of the Western world, including type 2 diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, obesity, metabolic syndrome and acne.”

The benefits of understanding and following the glycemic index range all the way from our heart health to the clarity of our skin.

The Beauty Benefits

We all want radiant, clear, beautiful skin but most of us find the perfect complexion elusive. That’s because what we are putting into our bodies is just as important as what we are putting onto our bodies. We have all heard that eating a certain food whether it is pizza, chocolate or fries will cause breakouts. This is not true, though it is important to put thought into your foods. The reason that foods with a low ranking on the glycemic index may be beneficial to skin is that our blood sugar is responsible for inflammation in our bodies. By reducing the inflammatory response, we reduce the number, frequency or severity of pimples.

Experts caution that the glycemic index is a great starting place to help control our levels of blood sugar, but it is equally important to maintain a well-balanced diet. Some foods that rank highly on the glycemic index, fruits for example, are full of nutrients and vitamins that are beneficial both to our bodies and our skin. Paying attention to what we eat does help in our quest for healthy skin, though it is not the only determining factor in how our skin appears. A good guideline for both body and skin is to gravitate towards fresh produce, lean meats, low-fat dairy and avoid refined carbohydrates as much as possible. We won’t only be eating our way to clearer skin, but also to improved health.

Grocery shopping

Eat Well: How to Grocery Shop the Healthy Way

Good nutrition begins with the grocery list. Without healthy and nutritious ingredients in our kitchens making meals that nourish our bodies is difficult. However, knowing what to buy when you are at the grocery store can feel overwhelming. Most of us don’t have the time to stand in the store reading long label after long label, it’s just too time consuming. Even with having to read long ingredient lists (because it is important to know what is going into our bodied), grocery shopping in a healthy way does not have to be stressful. The following four tips help keep grocery shopping from feeling like such an intimidating task.

Plan Ahead
Healthy grocery shopping begins long before we even step foot into our local grocery stores. Many health experts recommend planning meals for an entire week and assessing what ingredients will be needed to make these meals. Preparing a list in advance of heading to the store helps reduce the amount of time we spend in the grocery store wondering whether we will actually need this item or that item. In addition to reducing the amount of time spent in the grocery store, writing everything we need for a week forces us to really take a good look at what we are planning to put into our bodies. Sometimes, seeing things on paper makes us think twice about the food we intend to purchase.

Shop on a Full Stomach
One of reasons we come home with extra cookies, chips, ice cream and other poor food choices is that we go grocery shopping when we are hungry. Grocery shopping on an empty stomach leads to making bad decisions. When our stomachs are empty our ability to resist temptation is significantly lowered. Keep impulse purchases to a minimum by making sure to shop full and never hungry.

Shop the Perimeter
The layout of most grocery stores is similar. The perimeter is generally where the fresh fruits, vegetables, dairy, meat and fish are stocked. By spending the majority of our time in the stores perimeter, we limit the amount of temptation we face in the form of prepackaged, fat and sugar laden products. Walk the outer portion of the store first stocking up on fresh produce, lean meats and low-fat dairy options. When heading towards the center of the store, stick to the list and only buy what is written down. Choose whole grains when purchasing items such as breads and pastas to help increase the amount of healthy food in the cart.

Consider Convenience
While not the most cost effective option, sometimes the added convenience of food that has already been portioned is worth the increase in price. Most of us are constantly rushing around from one obligation to the next, leaving the amount of time available for spending hours preparing healthy food limited. Choosing vegetables and fruit that has already been sliced and snacks such as nuts that have been portioned can make eating healthy easier even with the crazy schedules we keep.

Grocery shopping in a health conscious way doesn’t have to be a time consuming chore or a confusing expedition. By spending a little extra time preparing for our grocery trips, we eliminate the frequency of impulse purchases. Vary the types of fruit and vegetables bought and keep a large array of spices on hand to create endless healthy options. 

What is The Right Amount of Red Wine to Drink?

Couple drinking red wine

There have been so many scientific studies completed year after year about the right amount of red wine to drink. Some people think that doctors are out of their minds when they recommend red wine to patients for various reasons such as for arthritis, mild heart disease and even beginning stages of dementia. However, many studies have now shown that red wine can actually help in preventing and treating a number of health related symptoms. In this article, Resveralife  reviews the right amount of red wine to drink.

Amount of Red Wine Prescribed

Many doctors have prescribed or recommended, rather, a quarter of a liter of red wine each day. Does this seem like a lot to you? Well, even so, it still is the amount that has been proven in these studies to help patients with their symptoms. Many of these symptoms are the ones that have been mentioned above.

In fact, red wine could actually take the place of many prescription medications. However, it never will because that will cause pharmaceutical companies a huge profit loss. The studies that were done in the scientific community have shown that the consumption of this amount of red win could be used as a therapeutic or a preventative medication. If it was to be used as such, the rates of disease would be significantly lowered. This, in return, would greatly reduce the number of deaths as well.

So, why is it not recommended more often? Well, one of the reasons is that red wine has been scientifically proved to be one of the more effective medicines in all of history. This would mean other medicines wouldn’t get the buzz their manufacturers wanted them to. With all of that being said, red wine does have side effects just as any other substance does. There are the minimum amounts that would need to be used in order to work and the maximum amount that should be used to keep the therapeutic benefits leveled out. Also, red wine should only be consumed once a day, generally recommended with your main meal of the day.

Red Wine, Taking the Right Amount

Seeing the results of the red wine studies, you know that it is recommended daily. But that does not mean that you should drink red wine all day, every day. Drinking red wine is recommended only once a day and with a single meal. Red wine consumed without food in your stomach would cause more side effects which also means that it could not treat or prevent the health problems that it is supposed to.

When considering your health when you have issues like arthritis, mild heart disease or even the beginning stages of dementia you may want to consider starting to drink a quarter of a liter of red wine each day. This amount has scientifically been shown to reduce health symptoms and to prevent some of the health symptoms as well. Drinking the right amount of red wine each day can really benefit you and your health.

Man eating a healthy salad

Live Well: Gentleman's Guide to a Healthy Diet

Throughout time, diet has been an important role in terms of development and growth. Now more than ever, it is essential to choose and opt for healthy meals and meal ingredients as most of the pre-packaged and pre-made foods that are readily available in supermarkets worldwide have become laden with chemicals and unhealthy, toxic ingredients. Resveralife would like to help our male readers understand how they can make better, healthier food choices, and feel their best by doing so. With these easy to do tips, the hardest part will be developing the willpower to make these changes – for life.

Opt for Fresh & Raw

Choosing fresh, raw ingredients when you are at the grocery store is the best thing you can do for your body. As a general rule, sticking to the aisles on the outer edges of the grocery store is your best bet. If you think about it, all you really need and all you should be eating is located along the outer walls of the store. Produce, dairy, and meats line these walls, and should be eaten more than anything else in your diet. Diets rich in fresh, lean proteins, such as lean turkey breast, chicken breast, fish, and raw vegetables and fruits will help you to feel fuller longer, become healthier, and even lose weight – guaranteed. Proteins also play a large role in the development of muscle mass when working out – so be sure to get plenty of it on a daily basis.

Eliminate Refined Sugar and Added Salt

Refined sugars can be found in those cakes you love so much, and many versions of breads and other carbohydrate laden foods. Rather than toss extra salt over your meal, try to do without it. If you use a small amount of salt to cook your food, that’s fine – but keep it to a minimum. By doing this, you may be able to lower your risk of heart disease, Type 2 Diabetes, and other health concerns. Refined sugars also lead to excess weight gain – and it can be difficult to lose the pounds accumulated. You will feel far less bloated when you eliminate unnecessary salt and sugar from your diet. You should do your best to try to eat natural sources of these compounds, such as fruit (fruit pectin within the fruit is a natural sugar) and olives or certain types of fish, such as Cod, which are salty by nature.

Eat Organic when Possible

Eating organic fruits and vegetables is always a safe bet. Not only will you eliminate excess toxins from your system this way, you will have more control over the food you eat and will enable yourself to gain the true health benefits of the fruits and vegetables you consume. Produce which is grown in an organically friendly environment are generally better in quality and taste, therefore you would be doing your body and your taste buds a favor. Always opt for organic when possible.

Eliminate Junk Food

This is a no brainer. Junk food packs on unnecessary pounds. To lose the pounds and keep them off, eliminate junk food such as chips, cookies, cakes, and candy from your diet as much as possible. Once in a great while, a small portion of one of these foods are fine – but not unless it’s a rare occasion. You will be amazed how great your body feels once it rids itself of the toxins these terrible foods have left behind.

Don’t Eat at Night

Eating after 7 PM is discouraged by many doctors, because as the night winds down, and you lay down to go to bed, the food you consume at night is left to sit. Your metabolism slows down at night, and all but comes to a screeching halt as you sleep. Do you really want to wake up with yesterday’s dinner still sitting where it was when you went to bed? We didn’t think so. Opt for eating earlier in the evening if possible, and allow your stomach at least four hours for the food to break down before bed.

By following the above guidelines, you can’t go wrong. Resveratrol wants to see every man live his healthiest and his best this year, and making small changes will add up quickly. Here’s to a healthier, happier you!



Resveralife Eat Well Guide: Best Fruits and Vegetables this Winter

Some hot chocolate, a blazing fire and cozy blankets… mmm… Winter certainly has its own set of charms, but fresh fruits and vegetables are usually not known to be one of the highlights of the winter season. It can become very challenging to find fresh produce during the winter months, particularly in the colder climates. But, luckily for you, you don’t need to survive on just onions or potatoes throughout winter. All you need to know is what to buy and you should be able to enjoy a regular supply of fresh fruits and vegetables throughout the winter season. This Resveralife Eat Well Guide from Vine Vera helps you understand the best fruits and vegetables to eat this winter.


The Best Fruits and Vegetables for Colder Climates



Potatoes usually get a lot of negative publicity, but there is a reason they are a staple food in many cuisines around the world. Potatoes are very inexpensive, highly filling and they offer your body with Vitamin C, proteins, potassium, folic acid and magnesium. The best part? They are available throughout the year.


Cabbages are extremely healthy as well as budget friendly. They are full of Vitamin C, Folate and Vitamin K and they also offer you with a rich dose of antioxidants, Glucosinolates and fiber. Certain studies also indicate that cabbages can help to reduce the risk of diabetes and cancer. Although cabbages can be found from the month of July, there are a number of cold weather varieties that harvest throughout the winter season.  This vegetable is best eaten raw as a part of your salad.

Brussels Sprouts

Brussels Sprouts, otherwise known as mini cabbages, are known to be as healthy as their elder cousins. They can protect your DNA from oxidative damage and they also offer you with antioxidants that fight cancer. And since Brussels Sprouts are mainly harvested between the months of September – February, you have a steady stream of fresh ingredients throughout the winter.


Onions are an ideal way of flavoring almost all of your food items – right from those pastas and soups to those grain salads. Onions offer your body with a rich dose of fiber and Vitamin C and they can also help you to reduce your bad cholesterol levels and increase the good cholesterol levels. Like potatoes, onions are available throughout the year.


Beets are deep red in color and they have an earthy flavor to them. Beets are extremely unique vegetables that contain an antioxidant known as Betalains. This antioxidant can protect you from a number of degenerative diseases and they also fight cancer. Furthermore, beets are very rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Folate, Potassium and Vitamin B. Unfortunately, fresh beets are only available from the spring season till the fall season.


Your parents might have been wrong in making you gulp down all that milk because of its “so called” benefits, but it turns out that they were spot on when it came to those carrots. Carrots are rich in an antioxidant known as beta-carotene. Beta-carotene gets converted into Vitamin A and helps to strengthen the immune system and gives you healthier eyes and skin. Although carrots are mostly available through the fall season, a number of varieties are actually harvested during the winter months.


Parsnips might look a lot like carrots and have a similar rich and earthy flavor, but they offer you with loads of goodies like fiber, Vitamin C, folate and potassium. They go well with most winter soups and are usually at their best during the late fall and early spring seasons.

Sweet Potatoes 

Sweet Potatoes are full of Vitamin C, Vitamin A, antioxidants, fiber and beta-carotene. They are also known to be low on the glycemic index, thereby making them an ideal option for weight conscious people. Moreover, sweet potatoes can be found throughout the year.


The Best Fruits and Vegetables for Warmer Climates


Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits are more than enough to help you last the winter seasons. They might not be the best options for your teeth, but they are very beneficial for your skin and your body. They are loaded with Flavanoids and Vitamin C and they can also help in reducing the risks of Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, cataracts and cholera. Some of the best citrus fruits to look at include lemons, blood oranges, grapefruits and oranges. Moreover, citrus fruits only become ripe for picking between the months of October – March.


Pomegranates are one of the oldest fruits in the world. They date all the way back to the Greco-Roman era. Pomegranates are also known to be one of the most nutritious fruits because of the presence of anti-inflammatory ingredients and antioxidants. This fruit can help you with issues like high blood pressure, high cholesterol and heart attacks.

Dark and Leafy Greens

Greens like kale and collards are an ideal option for your winter diets. They are rich in Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, iron, manganese, calcium, Vitamin K, potassium and antioxidants. They are also known to be extremely low in calories and can fit almost any dish.


Fennel has a taste that resembles that of licorice and it is definitely one of the most delicious vegetables on the planet. It is sweet and crunchy and it is also known to be very healthy. Fennel is rich in a compound known as Anethole as well as ingredients like Vitamin C, copper, magnesium and potassium. Fennel is usually available from the fall season till the spring season.

young female holding fresh salad

Resveralife Live Well: 5 Amazing Benefits of a Healthy Lifestyle

5 Amazing Benefits of a Healthy Lifestyle

It’s important to get time for oneself these days. The problems are many when it comes to taking care of ourselves – there is too little time for us if we are one of those who work. Whether it is the office that we go to or the business that we handle, there are so many things that we need to take care of.

We have all heard that amazing speech which tells us the benefits of leading a healthy lifestyle but never really stopped to practice them in our own lives. Good health can improve the quality of your life regardless of your age, sex or physical abilities. Know more about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and try it today.


Controls Weight

Healthy lifestyles where you eat the right kind of foods and exercise regularly helps you to stay in shape, shed of those extra calories and maintain your ideal weight for years to come. There are simple ways in which one can exercise without having to take out time for the same. Simply walk to your destination instead of driving to it or take the stairs instead of the elevator regularly. Eating a low-fat diet too can also help manage weight. It is recommended to make your breakfast the heaviest meal of the day and dinner the lightest. 5 portions of fruits and vegetables must be eaten throughout the day to get your share of vitamins and minerals.

Fight off diseases easily

A healthy lifestyle makes your body strong enough to fight off all kinds of health conditions by increasing the ‘good’ cholesterol which is high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and decreasing the ‘bad’ cholesterol which are the unhealthy triglycerides. Your body has a reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases along with many other health problems such as depression, diabetes, cancer of all kinds and even arthritis.

Boosts Energy

On eating foods high in sugar and saturated fats, our energy levels drop tremendously and we start feeling fatigued and tired. A balanced diet, on the other hand, provides your body with enough energy and increases energy levels tremendously. A balanced diet would include lean meats, whole grains, low-fat dairy products and vegetables and fruits of all sorts. Your muscle strength and endurance also gets a great boost with physical exercise and more and more oxygen starts getting delivered to body tissues.

healthy eatingImproves Mood

A healthy lifestyle includes physical activity which in turn stimulates the brain cells and leaves you feeling happy and relaxed than before. You start feeling good about your appearance which gives a great boost to your self-esteem and confidence. It also results in less stress and ability to analyze things better. Making social connections too is a part of a healthy lifestyle which improves your mood as you stay happy when in the company of people. Join a club, go out for movies or indulge in communal activities to feel good about yourself and those around you.


Increases your life span

A healthy lifestyle increases the chances of you having a longer life. Studies reveal that simple exercises such as 30 minutes of walking can reduce chances of premature death and avoid sudden heart strokes.

Resveralife Brings You the Fall Edition of Living Well, Eating Well and Looking Well

Resveralife knows that looking well, eating well and living well are three of the most important concerns of modern day man. It might be easier said than done, but with the right kind of advice, you can easily transform your lifestyle to incorporate all three features into your life. The Resveralife guide to living, eating, and looking well offers you the best and the hottest tips to transform the way you live, the way you eat and the way you look this fall season.

Living Well – 5 Exercise Routines to Try

Living well is all about experiencing the best that life has to offer. And the good news is that living well isn’t overtly difficult. Exercise is an important factor of living well. One of the best ways to incorporate fitness in your life is to add a few simple exercise routines into your daily routine. This guide to living well acquaints you with some of  the best and most effective exercises.

  1. Zumba – Zumba is an aerobic dance routine that is famous in studios and clubs all the way from Los Angeles to Miami. The Latin music tends to make you feel happier and the refreshing routine can recharge your body and your soul.
  2. Ugi Ball – The Ugi ball is everything that medicine balls are not – it is squishy, weighted, stylish and extremely beautiful. It is an ideal functional fitness tool because it challenges you to use all your muscle groups at the same time.
  3. Bosu Balance Trainer – The Bosu Balance Trainer resembles an exercise ball that has been cut into half. It offers you an exciting way to exercise and it has become a staple inclusions at most gyms and health clubs. The Bosu Balance Trainer is ideal for targeting multiple fitness areas like stability, balance, endurance and strength.
  4. CrossFit – It is impossible to talk about exercise routines without mentioning CrossFit. Considered to be one of the most beginner friendly exercises, CrossFit is a high-intensity program that can be completely scaled to your fitness ability. From athletes to lazy bums, this exercise can suit all sorts of people.
  5. Body Weight Training – The benefits of Body Weight Training have been discussed millions of times before, and we’re about to do it all over again. This routine doesn’t need any fancy gym equipment and it allows you to build your balance, strength and flexibility.

Eating Well – 5 Side Dishes to Try

The eating well guide can offer you the perfect starting point when it comes to adding some healthy side dishes to your diet. Eating a balance diet – a diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables, proteins and dairy products – is a must when it comes to leading a healthy life. It’s OK to indulge in a treat every now and then, but your overall food choices on a daily basis are very important. This eating well guide brings you some of the best side dishes that are high on the taste factor and also on the healthy quotient.

  1. Roasted Brussels Sprouts – Remove the brown ends of the sprouts and pull off the outer yellow colored leaves. Mix them with salt, pepper and olive oil and spread them out on a sheet pan. Roast for 35 minutes, until crisp on the outside and tender on the inside.  Sprinkle with kosher salt and serve.
  2. Butternut Squash Soup – Chop squash and onion into large sized chunks and crush garlic. Pour oil in a roasting tin and throw in thyme, onions, garlic and squash. Roast for about 30 – 40 minutes at 350F. Place the roasted vegetables in a blender, add a few spoons of stock and blend. Add more stock if you want to make the soup thinner. Season and serve.
  3. Italian Kale – Cook kale in a large saucepan over medium heat until the leaves begin to wilt. When the volume of kale in the saucepan is reduced by half, add olive oil, garlic and vinegar. Cook for a couple more minutes and serve with salt and pepper.
  4. Wild Rice – Dress up long-grain and wild rice mix by adding some marsala and fresh mushrooms. This side dish is guaranteed to be a big hit at the dining table.
  5. Spicy Collard Greens – Place bacon in a deep skillet and cook until it becomes brown. Bring a large pot of water to boil. Add black pepper, bacon, cayenne pepper, salt, collard greens and vinegar. Boil until greens become tender.

Looking Well – 5 Makeup Looks to Try

If you don’t have perfect looking skin you more than likely use makeup to improve its appearance. If you do have amazing skin you probably still want to change up your look with some makeup. Resveralife is here to help with tips to apply your makeup right way and look amazing. 1. Cat-eye Eyeliner – Cat-eye eyeliner is super fashionable and fun look to rock. It can give you a flattering look, irrespective of your eye shape and make you look mysterious even when you go low-key with the rest of your makeup. Here’s how to get the perfect cat-eye look:Closeup of a model wearing berry-colored makeup. and a cat eye

  1. Start off in the middle of your upper eyelid and draw a line as close to your lashes as possible. Draw this line in a single stroke or using numerous short strokes, depending on how skilled you are. With practice, you should be able to get it right in one go.
  2. Next move to the inner corner of your eye and draw a fine line towards the one that you just drew.
  3. Draw a line from the last lash to create the wing. You can decide upon the angle and length. A good trick to get the angle right is to imagine that your extending extension from you lower lashline
  4. Draw a line connecting the tip of your wing tail to the line near your eyelashes, this should create a triangle shape.
  5. Color in your triangle.
  6. Finish off the look with thickening black mascara. Use 2-3 coats for best results.

2. Cranberry Eyeshadow – Cranberry eyeshadow can give you an easy and sleek look that is ideal to sport during the changing seasons. Pair it with nude or berry lips for best results.

  1. Prime your lids using your favorite primer.
  2. Add a light colored base shadow which stretches from the brow bone to the crease.
  3. Use a matte, medium eyeshadow shade on your crease. Using a clean brush blend it towards your brow.
  4. Use a matte, deep maroon shade in the corners of your lids and in the corner of your crease.
  5. Blend all edges with a clean blending brush.
  6. Apply a metallic burgundy shade on the center of the eyelid.
  7. Apply a matte, neutral medium toned shade on the lower lash line.
  8. Use a liner brush to apply the matte, deep maroon shade closer to the lash line.
  9. Add a touch of the metallic burgundy shade to your lower lash line.
  10. Highlight using a shimmer, warm off-white shade.

3. Eggplant Nail Polish – Eggplant nail polish is a perennial fall favorite. Use a shade that almost looks black in color and appears to be all nineties and vampy. The secret is that when light falls on this shade, it gives off gleaming hints of purple. This is what makes eggplant nail polish so enchanting. 4. Dark, vampy lips – Dark, vampy lips were seen at fall fashion shows all over the world. That is not to mention the numerous celebrities who have already been sporting this look everywhere. The best part is that with all sorts wine stained and berry colored shades to choose from, you can easily find a shade that suits you perfectly. 5. Berry cheeks – Berry cheeks are definitely worth your while this fall. They go well with your cranberry eyeshadow as well and vampy lips.

Many bowls of different super foods

Resveralife on Super Foods Containing Resveratrol

Now found in supplements and many skin care products the phenol compound Resveratrol is being hailed by scientists, health professionals and beauty experts as the newest wonder product due to its many health benefits. However, you do not need to purchase fancy health and beauty products to get your fix of resveratrol as it is found naturally in many food products. Here we take a look at the super foods containing Resveratrol and how they can benefit your health.

Just before we discover what foods contain this wonder product we need to know exactly what it is and what the benefits actually are. Resveratrol is a plant phenol that is a powerful antioxidant as well as anti-inflammatory. Research into the compound has shown some of the many health benefits include lowering cholesterol, targeting insulin resistance which the precursor to diabetes and promoting general good health. As it works on a cellular level to encourage longer cell life it is even thought to slow the onset of Alzheimer’s disease and even limit the spread of cancer cells. Resveratrol’s powerful capabilities of prolonging cell life also make it the must-have ingredient for many anti-aging products.

So, what are the super foods that contain such a miraculous compound? One of the best foods featuring resveratrol is red grapes. They are not only packed with the antioxidant properties of resveratrol but are also full of vitamins and minerals. The grapes loose none of their power when turned into wine; making red wine another popular choice when it comes to intake of resveratrol. Whilst the odd glass can benefit your health you must still only ever drink in moderation; overdoing the alcohol will only cause other health problems.

Staying on the fruit theme, many berries are also a great source of resveratrol. Cranberries, bilberries and especially blueberries are all a good choice. Blueberries are another example of a super food full of useful vitamins and minerals as well as resveratrol.

If fruit really isn’t your thing you may be pleased to know that resveratrol can also be found in foods such as peanuts and dark chocolate both of which are also a good source of manganese; great for strengthening the bones. The benefits are the same whether you eat peanuts as they are or as peanut butter. When it comes to the chocolate, the darker it is the higher the amounts of resveratrol. Again, it is important to remember that whilst these contain good things they are still pretty high in calories so don’t go mad!

For those of you who enjoy a nice cup of tea, why not try Itadori tea?  For many years this has been used as a traditional remedy in China and Japan. It contains resveratrol and is thought to help prevent strokes and heart disease. It is made from Japanese knotweed and tastes very much like rhubarb.

You can get your Resveratrol fix from these foods or for a higher dose try Resveratrol supplements.

Bump map of the United States showing each state in relief

Superfoods According to State

The United States of America has always been a popular tourist destination for people all over the world. The country enjoys a high standard of life and attracts millions of tourists from every corner of the world year after year. A trip to the United States requires a lot of planning and you’re bound to try out new cuisines or dishes every single day. Now, if you’re a skin care enthusiast like we are, you would be well aware that traveling causes a lot of damage to your skin. It might not be entirely possible to follow a definite skin care routine on a holiday, but it is more than possible to add a few superfoods into your diets so that these powerful items can give you the extra protection that your skin and your body needs. Here is a list of the all-star superfoods for the top 5 most touristed states in the United States.



The sun and the sand, the lure of Hollywood, trips to the Alcatraz, world famous cities like San Diego, San Francisco and Los Angeles; how do you fit everything into a single trip? You cramp up everything and push your body to the limits. And what gets affected the most? Of course, your skin does. To prevent this from happening, try out the locally grown Avocados. Californians love their avocados and you can easily find them all over the state. They are known to be full of fiber as well as Vitamins C and K. Avocados go a long way in delivering heart-healthy fats that boost the function of nutrients like beta-carotene and lycopene.


New York

The beaches, the countless outdoor activities, beautiful architecture and delightful cuisines mean endless explorations, a lot of walking and equal amounts of partying as well. So what can you choose in New York to save your skin from this damage? As they say, an apple a day, keeps the docs at bay. Apples are grown all over the state and are known to be full of quercetin, an extremely powerful antioxidant that helps you boost your memory and improve your lung function. Apples are also full of fiber, something that helps them to reduce bad cholesterol levels.



Washington is home to Washington D.C., the most powerful state in the world. Politics might be the order of the day, but that doesn’t take away anything from attractions like the Smithsonian, the White House, National Museum of Natural History, National Gallery of Art, International Spy Museum and the Lincoln Memorial and Reflecting Pool. All this might seem to be too much, but you’re just scratching the surface. We haven’t even started with everything the state has to offer. Washington is definitely one of the most beautiful states in the US and it is home to spectacular scenery, beautiful forests, gorgeous lakes and excellent glaciers. The seafood and local wine are delightful as well. So how do you balance it all out? Fall in love with onions the way the locals do. Onions can help you to lower your cholesterol levels, reduce the risks of heart failure and regulate your blood pressure. Red onions are particularly rich in quercetin, the same antioxidant that makes apples famous.



The Everglades, the Keys, Universal Studios, Disney adventures, breathtaking beaches and wild South Beach parties – the ideal concoction to damage your skin like no other. Luckily for you, the official fruit of the state is good enough to negate any damage caused during your holidays. Oranges, the poster girls for Vitamin C, also offer filling fiber that help you to keep your taste buds at bay. And we don’t need to describe the skin benefits of Vitamin C, do we?



There’s just so much to do in cities like Houston, San Antonio and Austin and then there’s the Wild West lifestyle to enjoy as well. Balance out all the ruckus with the help of grapefruit, the official fruits of the state. Grapefruits are known to be an amazing source of Vitamin C and fiber. This helps you to take care of your skin and stop your tummies from stomping their weight around every time you pass an inviting restaurant or café. Furthermore, grapefruits are also full of water. This helps you to stay hydrated while you’re trying to make a mark with those cowboy hats and cowboy boots.


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