Live Well: Gentleman's Guide to a Healthy Diet
Throughout time, diet has been an important role in terms of development and growth. Now more than ever, it is essential to choose and opt for healthy meals and meal ingredients as most of the pre-packaged and pre-made foods that are readily available in supermarkets worldwide have become laden with chemicals and unhealthy, toxic ingredients. Resveralife would like to help our male readers understand how they can make better, healthier food choices, and feel their best by doing so. With these easy to do tips, the hardest part will be developing the willpower to make these changes – for life.
Opt for Fresh & Raw
Choosing fresh, raw ingredients when you are at the grocery store is the best thing you can do for your body. As a general rule, sticking to the aisles on the outer edges of the grocery store is your best bet. If you think about it, all you really need and all you should be eating is located along the outer walls of the store. Produce, dairy, and meats line these walls, and should be eaten more than anything else in your diet. Diets rich in fresh, lean proteins, such as lean turkey breast, chicken breast, fish, and raw vegetables and fruits will help you to feel fuller longer, become healthier, and even lose weight – guaranteed. Proteins also play a large role in the development of muscle mass when working out – so be sure to get plenty of it on a daily basis.
Eliminate Refined Sugar and Added Salt
Refined sugars can be found in those cakes you love so much, and many versions of breads and other carbohydrate laden foods. Rather than toss extra salt over your meal, try to do without it. If you use a small amount of salt to cook your food, that’s fine – but keep it to a minimum. By doing this, you may be able to lower your risk of heart disease, Type 2 Diabetes, and other health concerns. Refined sugars also lead to excess weight gain – and it can be difficult to lose the pounds accumulated. You will feel far less bloated when you eliminate unnecessary salt and sugar from your diet. You should do your best to try to eat natural sources of these compounds, such as fruit (fruit pectin within the fruit is a natural sugar) and olives or certain types of fish, such as Cod, which are salty by nature.
Eat Organic when Possible
Eating organic fruits and vegetables is always a safe bet. Not only will you eliminate excess toxins from your system this way, you will have more control over the food you eat and will enable yourself to gain the true health benefits of the fruits and vegetables you consume. Produce which is grown in an organically friendly environment are generally better in quality and taste, therefore you would be doing your body and your taste buds a favor. Always opt for organic when possible.
Eliminate Junk Food
This is a no brainer. Junk food packs on unnecessary pounds. To lose the pounds and keep them off, eliminate junk food such as chips, cookies, cakes, and candy from your diet as much as possible. Once in a great while, a small portion of one of these foods are fine – but not unless it’s a rare occasion. You will be amazed how great your body feels once it rids itself of the toxins these terrible foods have left behind.
Don’t Eat at Night
Eating after 7 PM is discouraged by many doctors, because as the night winds down, and you lay down to go to bed, the food you consume at night is left to sit. Your metabolism slows down at night, and all but comes to a screeching halt as you sleep. Do you really want to wake up with yesterday’s dinner still sitting where it was when you went to bed? We didn’t think so. Opt for eating earlier in the evening if possible, and allow your stomach at least four hours for the food to break down before bed.
By following the above guidelines, you can’t go wrong. Resveratrol wants to see every man live his healthiest and his best this year, and making small changes will add up quickly. Here’s to a healthier, happier you!