Resveralife Look Well: Holiday Look Inspiration
The holidays are here, and it’s time to begin thinking about how you can look your absolute best for the season. From clothing, to skin, to cosmetic products and hairstyles, these are all fun ways to improve and build upon your natural beauty. Resveralife has some tips to provide you to help you understand how you can look well for the holidays
Tip 1: Get Plenty of Rest
Whether or not you realize it, getting enough sleep can be a major component to your overall look. When you lack in getting enough sleep, things such as dark circles under the eyes, tired skin, dull skin, and other skin conditions can ensue. To look and feel your best, be sure to sleep for at least 8-10 hours per night for a refreshed appearance.
Tip 2: Stay Hydrated
Be sure to drink enough water. Products such as coffee, sodas, and even tea can dry out your skin and even dehydrate your body due to caffeine. Try to at least increase your water intake to 8 glasses per day on top of other beverages, and if possible, cut back on the main culprits listed above to avoid potential dehydration.
Tip 3: Nourish Your Skin
Be sure to moisturize your skin on a daily basis – this includes the entire body, not just your face. During these Holiday months, our skin has the ability to become dried out due to the climate change and other factors. Avoid dry, itchy skin by applying a good daily moisturizer – and be sure to take your vitamins, including Vitamin E, C, and Biotin supplements for optimal skin health.
Tip 4: Try out Some New Hairstyles
Getting a new, fresh Holiday look – or a few – is simple and easy to do with practice. If you don’t want to go the drastic route and opt for something such as a cut or color, learn to do some new hairstyles on yourself that are quick and easy. You’ll be amazed how simple many of these looks are to achieve, and how much they can change your appearance for the better.
Tip 5: Buy a New Coat
Sometimes, something as simple as a new coat for the Holiday season can really spice up any outfit. No matter the style you like, a new coat offers you a fashionable way to stay warm all throughout the Holiday season – and can dramatically change an outfit from cute and stylish, to va va voom!
Tip 6: Wear Seasonable Color Schemes
One of the easiest ways to look your best this Holiday season is to be sure you wear colors that match the Holiday’s theme, or at least coincide with the theme. For instance, Christmas colors that look fantastic are red, evergreen, silver, gold, black, navy blue, and whites of different shades.
Tip 7: Seasonal Cosmetic Colors – Wear Them
Adding a bit of flair to your face is a great way to look your best. By doing something as simple as switching your color palate or incorporating more of the festive looks for the season into your cosmetic regimen, you can’t go wrong and will look fab! Eyeshadow colors and eye liners, along with lipstick shades, are the two most important cosmetic components for the season. Try using some metallic colors for more of a shimmer, or actual shimmer products themselves. Glitter is also complimentary for the holidays. Lipsticks in red or berry shades make for a perfect Holiday look.
Easy as Pie
Try some of these simple steps to look your best, and you can’t go wrong. Simple and easy to complete on your own, you’ll be amazed at the transformation things this small can make in your appearance.
Happy Holidays from Resveralife!
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