Next Level Healthy Ideas
Your health is critical to your quality of life. When you are in poor physical health you are more likely to be in poor mental health as well. You know the basics of living a healthy lifestyle; diet and exercise. You need to nourish your body not just dump food into you and if you aren’t moving, your body doesn’t work at peak efficiency. If you are already leading a pretty healthy lifestyle consisting of a healthy, nutritious diet and plenty of activity, you may want some ideas on how to take your health to the next level.
Consider a Cleanse
A cleanse is not for everyone but for some it can be a great way to jump-start weight loss. Additionally, cleanses are designed to remove unwanted toxins from the body. There are a multitude of cleanses from juice cleanses to cabbage soup cleanses. Do a bit of detective work to find a cleanse you have the willpower to stick with, because a cleanse does you no good if you don’t follow through.
Go Vegetarian
Hear us out before you get too upset about losing your bacon. Studies definitely support the idea that a plant-based diet is capable of providing your body with all the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that it needs. However, if you aren’t ready to give up meat, consider following a vegetarian diet one day each week. If you are interested in taking your vegetarian diet even further, take it to the next level and go vegan. A vegan diet differs from a vegetarian diet as it includes absolutely no animal products, so cheese and dairy are out. If you are vegan already and you want to up your health game, go raw. A raw foods diet can be difficult to adjust to, but it is an excellent way to eat for your health.
Think About Supplements
The market is absolutely flooded with vitamins, minerals and supplements designed to take your health to the next level. If you are eating a quality diet with plenty of fresh produce, you really should be getting all of the nutrients you need from your food. However, if you want to add a little oomph, consider supplements. Our resveratrol capsules feature a proprietary blend of antioxidants such as resveratrol, green tea and acai to keep you at maximum health. Not only are our resveratrol supplements great for your general physical health, but they are also incredible for your skin.
Living a healthy lifestyle does not mean that you have to exercise like crazy every day or follow the strictest of diets. Rather, taking care of your health means being more active (like taking the stairs instead of the escalator) and eating a diet full of varieties of fresh produce and lean meats (unless you’re vegetarian/vegan). Adding strength training to your cardiovascular exercise is a great way to increase your health. If you’re already doing both, consider trying something new like high-intensity interval training (HIIT) or relax while you improve your body with yoga. Following a good diet and exercise regime promises a healthy, happy life.