Bring Back These Old School Trends
Throwback Thursday. The day when everything old is new again. Everyone loves to see pictures of other people before we knew them, before they were cool, or just before they realized that their hairstyle was out of style- especially when the other people are celebrities. Instagrammers can see anything from snaps of Gigi Hadid blowing out candles on her Lakers themed 11th birthday cake, or Taylor Swift at 12 going through her “braids phase.”
Why is it that people love pictures from the past? Research from the University of Southampton found that nostalgia “fostered social connectedness, which subsequently lifted self-esteem, which then heightened optimism.” So with the aim of increasing positivity, let’s look at some old school trends from the past that we want to see again.
School Supplies
The Mead Trapper Keeper
What ever happened to the Trapper Keeper, that loose-leaf notebook with the velcro closures? It held all your class notes, plus had some really cool laminated covers, from Superheroes to unicorns.
Multipoint Pencils
Remember the multi’ point or “push” pencils with the miniature pencil point cartridges? When the lead ran out, you just put the cartridge in the back of the pencil and the next one would slide out of the front. Of course, if you lost one of the points, it became a little difficult to work the pencil.
Rubber Cement
Rubber cement was alleged to stick together anything from wood to constructions paper by dipping the brush (attached to the lid, so you couldn’t lose it.) and applying it to anything you wanted to attach to anything else. Of course, that often meant gluing your fingers together in the process or just letting the product dry up and sort of stick to itself.
Drop Crotch Pants
It seems like every boy band in the 80’s were wearing parachute pants, made out of that silky fabric that whistled when you walked. Well, the drop crotch is back and droopier than ever, as you may have noticed on the likes of Kanye West and Justin Bieber, often topped with athletic shorts to complete the fashion statement.
Power Suits
Sharp shoulders, loose pants and a whole lot of swag. In the 1980’s Men and women, from the likes of Don Johnson to Bianca Jagger and Grace Jones effortlessly sported these. Now we can see the power suits resurgence on the everyone from Selena Gomez to the lovely Georgia Jagger.
Crop Tops
Madonna was bearing her midriff way back when she was still a virgin! (or like one.) She’s still doing it today, along with fellow celebs Rhianna and Taylor Swift.
Fast Food
Wendy’s Super Bar
Who doesn’t love unrestricted access to nacho cheese sauce? Maybe not the freshest of fare, but we still miss the chocolate pudding.
The Macdonald’s Pizza
How bad can a pizza be? If you’re one of those who will not eat a pizza that was not made by an Italian, don’t even try to find out. Good-bye, McPizza!
The “hot -side cool- side burger was the first to acknowledge that warm lettuce and tomatoes may not be the tastiest option. Jason Alexander (a.k.a. George Costanza) was in the commercial; unfortunately, not even he could make it stick.
When it comes to nostalgic items that should, or shouldn’t make a comeback, we know we haven’t even cracked the surface. What items do you think should or shouldn’t come back? Let us know!